Introducing The Signal
What is The Signal?
The Signal is the platform to support our consultancy work
A mix of cutting edge technology, the best data providers along with our skilled staff of analysts

the platform is extremely easy to use and all the contributions are widget-like

the platform can be
customized according
to the client’s needs

the staff can interact with most of the contents from the platform itself

On time
an advanced proprietary alerting system reduces the noise of unnecessary mail
The Active Widget
Everytime you open your listening platform, you know that you’ll see a long list of links.
And you know that you’ll have to click each of them to know better what’s inside.
This is what we wanted to avoid with the development of the active widget.
Every single part of the content is available at a glance with a significant saving in work time

The Proprietary Alerting System




Timing is everything when facing a crisis or tackling a fake news.
The system we developed delivers to your mailbox only the relevant conversations before they get the highest virality.
Based on historic data of each single source, the system delivers the mail only when the indexes record a variation higher than the benchmarked ones.
Each weighing factor is customized on the client’s goals and needs.
Data are updated quarterly to ensure to be always aligned to the latest developments of each single source as well as to reflect changes in the channels delivering the info.
The Web & Social Media Platform
To deliver the best, most accurate results we integrate our large repository of sources and our proprietary social media listening engines with select data providers for the most relevant listening companies. The platform covers virtually all the languages. Advanced visualizations help a better understanding of data.